Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Go Stevie Go!

(Apparently it's Speed Racer week here at the old homestead.)

I have bitched about Apple's DRM in the past. It strikes me as stupid that they go to such lengths to cripple the usability of downloadable music when you can buy the same songs on CD, rip them, and have completely unprotected copies.

Well, evidently, I was complaining about the wrong parties, and Steve Jobs feels the same way.

Time to crack out the old letter-writing campaign!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Go, Wil Wheaton, Go!

Concerning the giant SNAFU over the Aqua Teen Hunger Force viral marketing campaign BS in Boston. And more specifically, the media's ridiculous handling of it:
You know, if the goal of terrorists and the whole point of terrorism is to scare the shit out of us so badly that we leap ten feet in the air whenever someone says "boo," then the terrorists are clearly kicking our national asses.

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