Thursday, September 21, 2006

Blogging about not blogging

Very late. Can't sleep. Haven't blogged in forever, so naturally . . .

In fact this seems like a good opportunity to inaugurate my new blogging policy. I don't update very often, and I think the fact that I have mostly talked about game development has actually been more of a hindrance than a help. Oftentimes, I am constrained in what I can say about game dev or the games industry or the asininity of a competitor, whether literally, by my proprietary agreement with EA, or figuratively, by my desire to be professional. So I'm dumping that whole topic.

Instead, I'm going to talk about what got me into this whole blogging thing in the first place, namely writing. Ostensibly, the purpose of this thing was to hone my craft, beef up the writing chops through thousands and thousands of keystrokes. Well, those keys aren't going to press themselves.

So henceforth, a resolution: to write something every single day, whether it be nothing but "800 words added to short story foo." To help kick off this momentous decision, and as a personal reminder, a short list of things I want to write about:
  • Contact lenses, in all my drama.
  • The price of admission to the writer's club.
  • Why I still write (an anecdote).
  • Katie West. (Yes, how random. It's late, I believe I said.)
  • Using source control: a guide for writers.
- MrTact


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